Weekly Update for May 28th, 2018
I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend. We were honored to welcome members of the Hart-Lynch family on Friday morning. During our weekly all-school meeting Alec Hart (pictured below) spoke to our students about the meaning of Memorial Day and a bit about their family background.
Alec (who recently graduated from Dighton-Rehoboth High School) will be attending college at The Citadel in South Carolina come August. Alec and family members presented our Lynch soon-to-be retirees the Purple Hearts of Robert and Andrew Lynch. As many of you know, our school was named after the Winchester brothers who had lost their lives representing our country in World War II.
Our plan is to properly display and locate the Purple Hearts near our main office.
Thank you also to all our Lynchies (family members included) who marched in the Winchester Memorial Day Parade Monday morning! I included a nice team picture of our students carrying the Lynch banner.
Have a great week!