Weekly Update for November 5th, 2018


We had a busy week at Lynch! With Halloween landing mid-week, I propose we move trick-or-treating to the Saturday before October 31st. I think I may be able to find a few other parents and educators who could get behind this idea?!

I was excited to present a Kindness initiative at our All-School Meeting on Friday morning. With leadership from our KIN Team and parents, we focused on what it truly means to be kind to others, watched a short video on being an "Upstander" and passed along a "Be an Upstander Hero" shield students are going to design. 

As I mentioned at our assembly, I very much appreciate and am thankful for our partnerships with families to support our Lynchies learning! 

Here is the  video that we presented to students on Friday morning. 

Lastly, enjoy some fun Halloween pictures from the Lynch staff. Our main office staff enjoyed dressing up as our favorite nurse Mrs. Wallace (this was "payback" for the main office team dressing up as ME two years ago 😄

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