Weekly Updates For January 7th, 2019
We had a filled 3-days at Lynch after returning from the holiday break. I know for many of us at school, the long break (thanks to Christmas and New Year's falling mid-week) gave a chance to re-energize and gear up for January.
One thing that we did notice just in 3 short days was how much the students have grown. I know it was only two weeks away, but the students came back prepared and ready to learn and have fun. I was impressed!
Here are some dates for the month of January to note. Also, a few pictures I snapped while in art class with kindergartners, at recess with our 5th grade basketball loving kiddos and the view from the roof top (and you thought principals only visited the classrooms and playground)!
Monday, January 7 - ACCESS Testing Begins for English Language Students (See EL teachers for specific schedule)
Wednesday, January 9 - LPA meeting, 7p, library
Friday, January 11 - Lynch & Patriots Spirit Day
Wednesday, January 16 - Grades 3-5 Winter Concert DRESS REHEARSAL 8:30a
Wednesday, January 16 - Grades 3-5 Winter Concert 6:30p (Snow Date 1/17)
Thursday, January 17 – School Council Meeting, 2:30p
Monday, January 21 – NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day