News for the week of November 2nd, 2015
This week's post starts with a large THANK YOU to all of you that helped plan, organize and run the annual LPA Halloween Party. Just awesome. Some of you have been working with this for years (I am talking to you - Mrs. Coakley & Mr. Mouradian) and some of you being your first (of many) year. I will fail to mention someone if I start to list names, so from me and our students - thank you, thank you... I attend the party as part Dad and part Principal Dupuis. Our spooky stage fog machine, gave me the opportunity to chat with some of Winchester's finest fire fighters as soon as I walked in with my family. No place I'd rather be on a Friday night being with ALL of my kids. Costumes, dancing, singing, playing games and mostly making memories they will take with them through life. A great night.
I've added a toolbar to the top of the blog for those readers who would like to translate into a familiar language. Being that I am still in the "designing" phase, please let me know if this causes any troubles.
With that, I tried to schedule last week's post to go out on Sunday morning (10/25) and wasn't sure if that actually happened, thus me posting on Thursday of last week.
Lastly, another plug for our @The_LynchSchool twitter account. I post tweets periodically throughout the week and will re-tweet many posts from Lynch and Winchester teachers. Check out who I follow if you would like other educational resources for information on our Winchester schools or the education profession in general. Many articles I pass on to you and faculty come from reading other educational Twitter accounts.
Dates to note:
Wednesday 11/4 LPA meeting in library 7pm
Thursday 11/5 Hearing and Vision screening for grades K & 2
Thursday 11/5 Hearing and Vision screening for grades K & 2
Thursday 11/5 Lynch School Council Meeting 3:15
Wednesday 11/11 NO SCHOOL - Veteran’s Day (Lynch students are invited to march with our school during the Winchester Veteran’s Day parade. More information will follow for students).
Wednesday 11/25 HALF-DAY for all students. Dismissal 11:45am
Thursday 11/26 - Friday 11/27 Happy Thanksgiving! NO SCHOOL
Monday 12/7-Friday 12/11 National Inclusion Week
Have a great week!
781-721-7013 x136
Twitter: @The_LynchSchool
Twitter: @The_LynchSchool