Weekly Update for January 11th, 2016

Happy New Year to all of you! Even though we are a full week back into school, I hope that the time during the holiday season was positive with many fun activities. The Dupuis family enjoyed time at home together, family visits, bowling, attending a Celtics game, and street hockey, bike riding and grilling on Christmas Day!

This next push towards the February vacation (although not the longest stretch on the calendar without a break) is an important one for our students. Academically, teachers have a very good handle as to where they need to challenge and lead their students. Socially, friendships can take different shapes. Some solidify their circle of friends that they have been developing since kindergarten, while others maybe moving on with children who they more identify with. In any of these events, I highly recommend that you all continue to keep a safe and comfortable line of communication with your children. Life-long trust and respect is building. Over the break I was reading an interview with a successful musician. In the interview he stated that as a father himself, he thinks of his parents often and how much he respected them. He said, the main reason for this was that they communicated in a manner that was "open, honest and real." Those qualities led him to WANT to interact and talk with his parents as he grew into his teenage and young adult years. I gravitated to this comment and realized this mirrored my own childhood. This is also how we treat our own children at home. Actively listen, asking leading questions and allow your children to understand that you are someone they can always turn to even in difficult moments. Sounds something that should automatically happen (we ARE their parents after all!), but can become difficult in a few years (middle school will be here before you know it!).

One piece that I would like to touch upon is on-time arrival at school. Our bell rings at 8:45am to begin the school day (we offer supervision  and have volunteers assisting at the traffic circles for drop-off) beginning at 8:15am).  In-class instruction is happening mostly within minutes. There are many teachers who need to begin working with students either individually or in small groups prior to 9am. Too often we are witnessing a large amount of students reporting to the main office for tardy slips. Students need those crucial minutes prior to 8:45am to process, engage with friends and just take a deep breath.
As a parent of young children, I am aware and respect what a house may look like in the morning. Chaotic would probably be a good first word to use. In any event, I want our children to have a productive and positive experience each day of the week. This begins at home and arriving on time. I thank you in advance for making this happen - Mr. Dupuis

Upcoming dates to note:

Monday 1/11 Leland Faulkner Enrichment program grades K-2 9:30
                                                                        grades  3-5 10:30 in dining room

Thursday 1/14 Lynch School Council Meeting 3:15 in Main Office

Friday 1/15 Lynch Reading Incentive Kick-Off at All-School Meeting (runs until March 4th)

Monday 1/18 MLK Day - No School

Thursday 1/28 Lynch Winter Concert (grades 3-5) 7pm (Snow date is 2/1)

Wednesday 2/3 WFEE Trivia Bee @ Lynch 7pm

Thursday 2/4 Early Release - Professional Development 11:45 Dismissal

Thursday 2/11  5th Grade vs. Faculty Basketball Game 6:30pm (Snow Date 2/25)

Monday 2/15- Friday 2/19 No School February Break

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