Weekly Update for January, 9th 2017
Greetings and Happy New Year!
I hope this blog finds everyone health and well. We all were very happy to see our Lynchies back in the school building this past week. While coming back to school can be tough for some students (and adults!!) we had a rather smooth transition. It may not have felt like it at home the first few days and maybe a few of your kiddos had a tough time getting out of bed, once they were here at least - they were great!
A few notes as we move into a full week ahead:
- A personal request. Please have your students here on time when arriving to school each day. Our bell rings at 8:42. Our official school day begins at 8:45. Most classrooms will have students on task and working by 8:50. We have support staff pushing into classrooms as quickly as 9:00 (ELL teachers, special education teachers, reading teachers, specialist classes begin).
We have supervision as early as 8:20 in the dining room and then at 8:30 as half the students move to the gymnasium.
While as a working father myself and needing to get children at home ready for each day, I understand we all have a tough morning once and a while.
It is IMPERATIVE that students are here on time. Just the rush into the building late is enough to make a student anxious or miss out on that important social time with their peers talking and sharing while they wait for the bell. Once the bell rings and students enter the classrooms, teachers are instructing and giving important directions.
I appreciate your support in ensuring our students are given the best start to their day possible 😊
- A second request. As we make sure our students arrive on time, please be safe and use precaution when dropping students off at the traffic circles. Students should be exiting cars on the sidewalk. Please do not drop students off in the middle of traffic circles. Mr. McGonagal, Mrs. Phelan, Mr. Marino and I do our best to welcome our Lynchies each morning with a smile. We also want to make sure that they are arriving and cars are exiting the traffic circles safely.
I hope this blog finds everyone health and well. We all were very happy to see our Lynchies back in the school building this past week. While coming back to school can be tough for some students (and adults!!) we had a rather smooth transition. It may not have felt like it at home the first few days and maybe a few of your kiddos had a tough time getting out of bed, once they were here at least - they were great!
A few notes as we move into a full week ahead:
- A personal request. Please have your students here on time when arriving to school each day. Our bell rings at 8:42. Our official school day begins at 8:45. Most classrooms will have students on task and working by 8:50. We have support staff pushing into classrooms as quickly as 9:00 (ELL teachers, special education teachers, reading teachers, specialist classes begin).
We have supervision as early as 8:20 in the dining room and then at 8:30 as half the students move to the gymnasium.
While as a working father myself and needing to get children at home ready for each day, I understand we all have a tough morning once and a while.
It is IMPERATIVE that students are here on time. Just the rush into the building late is enough to make a student anxious or miss out on that important social time with their peers talking and sharing while they wait for the bell. Once the bell rings and students enter the classrooms, teachers are instructing and giving important directions.
I appreciate your support in ensuring our students are given the best start to their day possible 😊
- A second request. As we make sure our students arrive on time, please be safe and use precaution when dropping students off at the traffic circles. Students should be exiting cars on the sidewalk. Please do not drop students off in the middle of traffic circles. Mr. McGonagal, Mrs. Phelan, Mr. Marino and I do our best to welcome our Lynchies each morning with a smile. We also want to make sure that they are arriving and cars are exiting the traffic circles safely.
Dates to Note:
Monday, 1/9 - Li Liu Chinese Acrobat presentation grades 3-5 @ 10am & grades K-2 @ 11am IN GYMNASIUM
Wednesday, 1/11 LPA meeting 7:00pm
Monday, 1/16 - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr Day
Wednesday, 1/18 -String concert (Gr. 3-5) @ WHS 7:00 pm
Saturday, 1/21 Lynch 5th Grade Pancake Breakfast 9:30-11am
Thursday, 1/26 - School Council 3:15PM
Tuesday, 1/31- Lynch Gr. 3-5 concert @ 7:00 pm (snow date is 2/7)
Thursday, 2/2 - Professional Day - Early Release 11:45am
Tuesday, 2/7 Grade 4 takes NAEP assessment (all-day)
Wednesday, 2/8-WFEE Trivia Bee 7:00 pm (At Town Hall)
Thursday, 2/9 - Lynch’s “The Jungle Book” Play 6:30pm
Friday, 2/10 - Lynch’s “The Jungle Book” Play 6:30pm
Friday, 2/10- LPA Meeting 9:15 am
Thursday, 2/16 –Lynch Grade Five-Faculty Basketball Game 6:30 pm (snow date 3/2)
Monday -2/20-Friday 2/ 24- NO SCHOOL Winter Vacation
Have a great week and Go Pats!
Mr. Dupuis
Have a great week and Go Pats!
Mr. Dupuis