Weekly Update January 30th, 2017

Greetings all,

The next few weeks at Lynch will be busy ones. We are looking forward to our grades 3, 4 & 5 Winter Music Concert on Tuesday evening at 7pm.  Lynch music teacher - Mr. Thompson has been working diligently with our students in his classroom and on the stage in recent weeks. We will hold a dress rehearsal on Monday afternoon from 1:45-2:30pm. If you or a family member is not able to attend Tuesday evening, I invite you to come Monday afternoon to watch. We will have standing room in the back of the dining room for any visitors. Please make sure if you do know someone who may come Monday afternoon, that they sign in at our main office - thank you!

Thank you to those of you who have donated towards our annual food drive for the Woburn Council of Social Concern. We've moved our collection bins to the stage area for the time being. Our main entrance is currently home for our grade 5 Extreme Weather projects. We will continue to collect goods until February vacation.

I was happy to visit with some of our first grade authors on Thursday. Ms. Solomon's class invited parents and faculty to their classroom for their "Publishing Party." A great way to end a busy day and get a chance to see how far our students have come with reading and writing since September!

Lastly, we had the pleasure of having visitor Sharon from Yoga Mandala lead yoga activities to a few Lynch classrooms Thursday and Friday. What was notable as I observed (and even got a few poses in myself with the 2nd graders), was that every student was engaged and with a smile. As you can see from the picture below, the students were excited to move their desks off to the side and stretch out.

A large thank you to Lynch Mom - Magda Ferrari, who made the connection between Sharon and Lynch happen!

Have a great week!

Mr. Dupuis

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