Weekly Updates for December 3rd, 2018


We will have a busy three week stretch before the holiday break. We recently kicked off the annual toy collection drive in conjunction with Bridget Brigade. Thanks to our assistant principal, Mrs. Capodanno, the 5th student council and Lynch parent Mrs. Sullivan we began to promote the collection and gather donated toys.

We are happy to collect and unwrapped toys in our main hallway. There is a green bucket with the Bridget Brigade sign as you walk into the main entrance. Collection will continue until Friday, December 14th. 

For more information please see: http://www.bridgetbrigade.org/

The week of December 3rd, we celebrate National Inclusion Week. One of our TEAM core values focuses on being inclusive. E (in our TEAM) represents Everyone is Included. The theme of the week is "Kaleidoscope of Friends." The goal is for our students to recognize that we have many friends around us, in the neighborhood, school and community in which those friends bring special talents and qualities. That we learn to accept and include. 

A team of Lynch teachers are helping create a small project at Lynch. The plan is to have us create a paper quilt of  student illustrations and what their friends mean to them.

Lynch Dates to Note

Monday, December 3 – Friday, December 7 – National Inclusion Week “Kaleidoscope of Friends”
Tuesday, December 4 - Lynch School Store Open 7:55-8:05
Tuesday, December 4 - Grade 5 Community Service Program visits Aberjona Nursing Home (after school)
Wednesday, December 5  Lynch School Store Open 7:55-8:05
Thursday, December 6 - Grade 2 Field Trip 10:30am - 1:30pm
Thursday, December 6 – School Council Meeting 2:30p
Friday, December 7 -  Team Lynch Spirit Day (Wear your Lynch or any team gear)
Friday, December 7 – LPA meeting 8:30a, conference room
Friday, December 7 – Progress Reports go home (via Aspen)
Friday, December 14 - No All-school Meeting
Friday, December 21- School-wide Pajama Day for students. “Festive Holiday Attire” for staff - normal 2:20pm dismissal

Saturday, December 22 –  January 1st - Holiday Break

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