Weekly Update for May 16th, 2016

In This Week's Memo
- Lynch's Jimmy Fund "Kickballapalooza"
- Lynch Field Day is Friday, June 10th
- Dates to note

For the past three years, Lynch faculty member Patrick Flaherty has organized a Kick Ball fundraiser for the local Jimmy Fund. This Thursday we will line our soccer fields with a kick ball game for each grade level. All students are welcome to play. All families are welcome to come, watch and cheer on our Lynchies. Last year we raised well over $1500. With always setting challenges for ourselves, we have set $2000 as this year's goal. Each student who participates will receive free admission to the "Scooper Bowl" ice cream festival at Government Center in Boston (June 7-9 from 12pm to 8pm). 

If your child has not signed up yet and would like to, please contact your classroom teacher (they will have the sign up form and can send via email). 

What: Lynch's Kickballpalooza for the JimmyFund.org 
When: Thursday, May 19th (Rain Date Thursday May 26th)
Time: 3:00-4:15pm
Where: Lynch Soccer Fields
Why: Because Lynch prides ourselves in giving back to the community!

Earlier in March, we decided to move our annual field day to Friday, June 10th. As the year was extended due to a few snow days, we wanted to move our field day a week. Many classroom teachers (and has been included in this blog with "Dates to Note") have notified families via classroom emails previously. I just wanted to highlight as we are less than a month away from one of the best days of the year.
The rain date will need to be TBA (with a date most likely Tuesday, June 14th) due to a few moving pieces with prior engagements with some classrooms. 
The morning of field day, the Lynch faculty will provide all parent volunteers with a light breakfast near the main entrance as an appreciation for all the time and effort towards the myriad of projects in and around Lynch school. If you available, please join us as we take a turn to appreciate YOU!

Dates to Note:

Thursday 5/19 "Kickballapalooza" All Grades! 3-4:15pm on Lynch soccer fields.
Wednesday 5/25 & Thursday 5/26 Kindergarten Screening
Wednesday 5/25 K-2 Spring Concert (Lynch Dining Room) 6:30pm
Wednesday 6/1 ReMAX Hot Air Balloon demonstration for grades 3-5 on soccer fields 9am
Wednesday 6/1 Lynch Science Fair (Grades 1-5) 5:30-7pm
Wednesday 6/1-Friday 6/3 Lynch Used Book Sale
Friday 6/10 Parent Volunteer breakfast provided by Lynch teachers
Friday 6/10 Lynch Field Day 9am - 2:30pm (Rain Date TBA)
Friday 6/17 5th grade Splash Park 12-2:45pm
Thursday 6/23 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony 6:30pm
Friday 6/24 Last day of school for students! 11:45am dismissal

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