Weekly Update for May 2nd, 2016
In this Week's Memo
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Winchester Recreation Lynch Extended Day 2016-17
- Light it up Blue Thank You
- Dates to Note
An early thank you to all who have prepared, organized and the hours of effort for the upcoming Teacher Appreciation week at Lynch. Educators go into this profession with the rewards of watching students grow and learn. A few displays of appreciation by our families are, well......very much appreciated! So, an early thank you to all of you..
There will be an extended day program happening at Lynch for the school year 2016-17. This program will be run by the Winchester Recreation Department. The recreation department recently sent out an email explaining the program to residents and there is information in the LPA newsletter. Please call the recreation department at (781)721-7125 or check their website at www.winrec.com
Thank you very much to Lynch special education teacher - Jennifer Flaherty. Jennifer has helped lead the Winchester "Light it Up Blue" celebrations each year. Unfortunately due to weather not cooperating, we were not able to hold the annual kick-off evening at the town common in early April. Jennifer however was able to help lead our weekly All-School meeting this past Friday and helping recognize Autism Awareness month. Our guest speaker was John Williams. He is a Winchester resident who came to speak to our students about life being autistic, his educational career and his fabulous art work. John shared some of pieces with the students and took some questions. I've included pictures of their presentation and his art. Thank you again to Jennifer and John!
Dates to note:
Monday 5/2-5/6 Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday 5/2 Early Release 11:45am dismissal and LPA Teacher Luncheon
Friday 5/6 Kindergarten Orientation 9:15am in dining room & K classrooms
Thursday 5/12 Lynch School Council 3:15pm
Thursday 5/19 "Kickballapalooza" All Grades! 3-4:15pm on Lynch soccer fields.
Wednesday 5/25 & Thursday 5/26 Kindergarten Screening
Wednesday 5/25 K-2 Spring Concert (Lynch Dining Room) 6:30
Wednesday 6/1 ReMAX Hot Air Balloon demonstration for grades 3-5 on soccer fields 9am
Wednesday 6/1 Lynch Science Fair (Grades 1-5) 5:30-7pm
Friday 6/10 Lynch Field Day 9-2:30 (Rain Date Monday 6/13)
Friday 6/17 5th grade Splash Park 12-2:45
Thursday 6/23 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony 6:30pm
Friday 6/24 Last day of school for students! 11:45 dismissal