Weekly Update 10/26/15 edition

NOTE: I am re-posting this email being that I am not sure if it went up. This was meant to be posted on Sunday at 10/25. JD

News for the week of October 26th, 2015

I hope this most recent blog update finds you well and looking forward to the last week of October. Really hard to believe we are thinking about Halloween already.

I am looking forward to our annual Halloween Party at Lynch Friday night. This event serves two purposes - to support our LPA and enrichment opportunities for Lynch and satisfying our Lynchie's (plus future and former Lynchie's) excitement for all things Halloween. DJ, haunted hallways, games, raffles, food, etc... A night not to be missed. I look forward to seeing many of you there as the principal and also as a Dad.

Being that we are a full eight weeks into the school year and homework is now a reality for our grade 1 through 5 students, I wanted to just highlight a few of my own thoughts as to having a successful evening.

Items to think about when working with your child and their homework:

1. Is the environment where the student working a positive one?

When I was a child, I found that I needed music playing for me to be productive. Whether that was with headphones or the radio. My favorite music made me happy and allowed me to focus. So, understand that each child likes different environments. Some need quiet spaces, some like being in a more stimulant area.

2. How are you behaving when your student has homework?

Do you or did you hate homework? Do you openly complain about it in front of your student? Just be aware of how you are acting while your child is struggling to understand a subject.

3. Be supportive. This doesn't mean for you to do their homework for them!

Help your child organize. Give them a comfortable environment. Make sure they are fed. Do not give them the answers! If your child leaves something blank, this is OK. If they get an answer wrong, this is helpful. A teacher will learn a lot more about your child's understanding when the homework comes back with errors. Trust me, teachers can tell when parents do the homework.

4. See #3 again!

Let your child experience some failure. Many articles I have read (and have known from years in education) explain that we need to let students struggle and fail. This is how life works. Perseverance and grit are developed this way. Important life skills.

Dates to note:

Friday 10/30 LPA Halloween Party! 6:30

Wednesday 11/11 NO SCHOOL - Veteran’s Day

Wednesday 11/25 Half-Day for students and faculty. Dismissal is 11:45am

Thursday 11/26 & Friday 11/27 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving holiday break.

As always, please feel free to contact me or the main office at anytime with questions.
Have a great week!

John Dupuis    "Make each day your masterpiece" - John Wooden
Interim Principal
Lynch Elementary School

Twitter - @The_LynchSchool 

Office phone - (781)-721-7013 ext. 136

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