Weekly update from Mr. Dupuis - 10/19/15 edition

News for October 19th, 2015

Dear Lynch Families,

Welcome to my new blog. Moving forward I plan to use this venue for any news, updates and weekly information pertaining all things Lynch. This is a change from the previous format of submitting to our LPA newsletter. I plan to add a new post weekly, with any special updates posted when needed.

Reminder that you can always find information about Lynch on our school site http://www.edline.net/pages/Lynch_Elementary_School

Also, if you would like to follow me on Twitter the address is  @The_LynchSchool

Twitter posts are  more “real time” updates with pictures of events and activities happening within our building.

I hope you enjoy the new layout! It will be a work in progress for a bit, but hope you choose to click and read when you can!


  • Lynch Maker Space is ready for take off! We are proud of the work our parents have done in setting up and launching our newest space. There are MANY of you who helped make this a reality.
The physical space is a room adjacent to our art room. I consider this our mini-Michael’s craft store. If your child has a project upcoming or they just want to create an arts and crafts piece - please use our Maker Space!
Some notes about the Maker Space:

  1. Before and after school are the suggested time of use for families.
     2.  Students are to be accompanied by an adult before and after school if they are in grades K-3.

     3. Students in grades 4 and 5 can confirm with Ms. Griffin if they can go in and use the space before or after school.

     4. Please only take what you think you might need.

     5. Respect and enjoy the Maker Space!

  • Reminder #1: Parking drop off procedures: PLEASE, if you are dropping your child off at one of the traffic circles in the morning, do so at the sidewalk area. We try to staff this area with senior volunteers, faculty, parent-volunteers and/or myself. Many of us are in a rush to drop and then leave (to probably sit in more traffic, ugh) for work. With that, just please be mindful of the safety of our kiddos.  

  • Reminder #2: We are in need of volunteers to help with the traffic circle on the Brantwood RD side of our school. George (our senior volunteer in past years) is not able to continue unfortunately. If you are able to help just one day from 8:30 to 8:50, please let the main office know.

  • Reminder #3:There will be a handout going home requiring you and your child’s signature. Lynch is a Title I school in which we receive state funding. Your classroom teacher will also sign these forms. Please have your child return them to their teacher or the main office for our records.

Re-post - From the Art Room

  • Ms. Griffin is  looking for a volunteer Art Smock washer. We have about 50ish smocks in serious need of a cleaning. This is a one time occurrence for the school year. Please email or stop by the Art Room if you'd like to help out with this!

Thank You’s

  • For a large donation of materials and supplies to the school from the Boskovic family.
  • To the parents that attended the grade 3 t field trip to Plimoth Plantation.
  • To the parents who chaperoned our grade 1 field trip to George Hills Orchard

Other dates to note:

Wednesday 10/21-Friday 10/23 Half-day for students - Parent Teacher conferences Dismissal is 11:45am.

Thursday 10/22 Flu Clinic for Lynch students

Friday 10/30 Lynch LPA Halloween Party! 6:30pm

Wednesday 11/11 NO SCHOOL - Veteran’s Day

Wednesday 11/25 Half-Day for students and faculty. Dismissal is 11:45am

Thursday 11/26 & Friday 11/27 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving holiday break.

As always, please feel free to contact me or the main office at anytime with questions.
Have a great week!

John Dupuis, interim principal   jdupuis@winchesterps.org
     781-721-7013 x136

   Twitter: @The_LynchSchool

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