Weekly Update for January 25th, 2016

As we head into the last full week of January, a few highlights from the past week:

Mrs. Callahan - Lynch Librarian - held a video conference with author Nan Marino with some of her 4th grade students. The children had recently read her book, "Neil Armstrong Is My Uncle and Other Lies McGinty Told Me." Many lessons over the past few years, Mrs. Callahan has led her classes through Q & A sessions with authors. I was able to observe and join in for a few minutes the other morning while the students politely took turns asking thoughtful questions about the book and the writing profession. A very cool experience to ask a question while at school and have an author who lives in New Jersey answer in detail. Something that most of us reading this never had the opportunity to do.

Thank you to Jen Fleming and Melissa Testa (Lynch Mom's) and our 5th grade students for leading our annual food drive. We choose to support the community via the Woburn Council of Social Concern after the holidays and restock their shelves. Students loaded up bags and boxes of non-perishables and delivered to appreciative hands on Friday afternoon.

Lastly, I forwarded to our classroom teachers the following to help alleviate any parking and traffic concerns we have during the winter months and accumulating snow making the area tighter than usual.

With the winter weather here traffic flow and parking in and around the school campus can be tight. At times during the winter, some tend to park in illegal areas or not follow traffic rules. It is imperative that anyone driving and/or parking to Lynch obey all rules.

You are free to park in any open parking spaces, however you are not to park in the traffic circle areas - unless there is a designated line for parking.
This includes parking in proper spots and not passing buses or vans that are actively picking up or dropping off students in and around traffic circles (most buses will have their stop sign out while they are active).

The main focus is that our students, families and faculty arrive and depart from school in a safe manner. I thank you in advance for your continued attention to this matter.


Mr. Dupuis

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